Plagiarism Policy

  1. Definition of Plagiarism:

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's ideas, words, or work without proper attribution or acknowledgment. This includes, but is not limited to, copying text, data, images, or concepts from published or unpublished sources without appropriate citation.

  1. Unacceptable Practices:

The following practices are considered unacceptable and constitute plagiarism:

  1. Copying verbatim text from another source without quotation marks and proper citation.
  2. Paraphrasing or rephrasing someone else's work without proper acknowledgment.
  3. Presenting someone else's ideas, concepts, or research findings as your own.
  4. Self-plagiarism, which involves recycling your own previously published work without proper citation or acknowledgment.
  5. Submitting manuscripts that have been previously published or are under consideration for publication elsewhere without disclosure.
  6. Plagiarism Detection:

All submissions to Gomal Journal of Agriculture and Biology will undergo rigorous plagiarism screening using appropriate software tools. Editors and reviewers will also actively assess submissions for any signs of plagiarism or academic misconduct.

  1. Consequences of Plagiarism:

Authors found to have committed plagiarism will face serious consequences, including but not limited to:

  1. Rejection of the submitted manuscript.
  2. Notification of the plagiarism to the author's institution and funding agencies.
  3. Temporary or permanent banning of the author from submitting to Gomal Journal of Agriculture and Biology.
  4. Public retraction of the published article if plagiarism is discovered post-publication.
  5. Responsibilities of Authors:

Authors are responsible for ensuring that all content submitted to Gomal Journal of Agriculture and Biology is original and properly cited. Authors must accurately acknowledge the contributions of others to their work and disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

  1. Editorial Review and Oversight:

Editors and reviewers of Gomal Journal of Agriculture and Biology are responsible for actively detecting and addressing any instances of plagiarism. Editors will make fair and unbiased decisions based on the severity and extent of plagiarism detected.